Meet us @ ELMI

GATTAquant will be at the ELMI Meeting in Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 23-26, 2017. Pass by at our booth and don't forget to take part in our card game* to get a free powerbank.


*Card Game
Puzzle Game
  1. Take the puzzle card form your conference bag (GATTAquant envelope),
  2. find a colleague with a complementary (DNA nucleotide) card,
  3. come together to our booth
  4. and get your free powerbank.




Still not enough? Drop your puzzle card with your e-mail address at our booth and you will have the chance to win a free GATTAquant sample.
We are looking forward to seeing you at ELMI 2017.


– Your GATTAquant Team

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GATTAquant GmbH
Staffelseestraße 8
DE-81477 München
Phone: +49 89 2153 720 80

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